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The Suffolk Journal

Your School. Your Paper. Since 1936.

The Suffolk Journal

By Facebook page Andy Borowitz

Lack of diversity in politics leads to strife

Patrick Holmes February 15, 2017

It is tiring to watch old white men continue to lead this country into the dark ages. They are a misrepresentation of the United States and everything that we stand for, especially the ones who identify...

Sanders supporters flocked to hear his speech regading climate change, gun control, and tax reform. Courtesy of Maggie Randall

Sanders rallies devoted Democrats

October 7, 2015

By Maggie Randall The room was electrified. White and blue signs were waving around in the air. 20,000 people were yearning for a political revolution and 20,000 voices were all shouting one name: Bernie...

Margaret McKenna announced as next president of Suffolk University

Margaret McKenna announced as next president of Suffolk University

Brigitte Carreiro May 12, 2015

Chair of the Board of Trustees Andrew Meyer announced Tuesday that Margaret McKenna has been selected as Suffolk University’s new president. As its tenth president, McKenna will be the first woman...

Senator Ted Cruz.
By Flickr user Gage Skidmore

GOP presidential hopeful Cruz faces insurmountable odds for candidacy

April 1, 2015

By Ian Kea Texas Senator Ted Cruz on March 23 announced before a crowd at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia his intention to seek the Republican nomination for president. The Canadian-born U.S....

Rand Paul
Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Rand Paul making the leap to 2016 GOP frontrunner

March 25, 2015

By Ian Kea Looking to reclaim the presidency after two terms of Democratic control, Republicans will have a considerable pool of candidates to choose from in 2016. One group is related to former presidents,...

Norman Smith
Courtesy of Suffolk University

Smith cleared of accusation made by anonymous whistleblower

Melissa Hanson March 20, 2015

Interim President Norman Smith was found to have broken no laws after an anonymous complaint against him was filed through the university’s whistleblower reporting system in January, officials said. Suffolk...

Photo courtesy of "House of Cards" Facebook page

Ace political drama shuffles format in new season

March 4, 2015

By Samuel Correa Former house majority whip Frank Underwood and his wife Claire Underwood of “House of Cards” were climbing a mountain, and they would strike down anyone who would get in their way....

Norman Smith
Courtesy of Suffolk University

Next president should be less white, male, and status quo for the sake of students

Dani Marrero February 25, 2015

Suffolk University is in a transitional period. When former President James McCarthy left in August, Interim President Norman Smith was brought in to use his expertise gained at Wagner College in New York...

Jeb Bush’s potential problem with his potential run

Alexa Gagosz January 7, 2015

Jeb Bush has bigger issues than being part of the “Bush” family tree, if you can think of such a thing. Yes, the “average American” is sick of the same family legacy tirelessly running for a political...

Jeb Bush announces plan to explore 2016 bid

Alexa Gagosz December 16, 2014

Jeb Bush has weighed in and the Republican party has a potential first candidate for the 2016 election. According to USA Today, Bush made a surprise announcement Tuesday, saying he is going to “actively...

(By Flickr user Ministerio das Relacoes Exteriores)

Dilma Rousseff re-elected as Brazilian President

October 29, 2014

By Sylvain Gaulier According to Liberation News, Rousseff immediately thought of the future challenges ahead of her presidency in her victory speech. She addressed to her supporters: “Instead...

Editor’s word: Suffolk’s top 10

September 24, 2014

On the front page of today’s edition, the Journal published the full salaries of Suffolk’s top 10 highest paid employees. This information was gathered from public documents and represents the 2012...

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