The $93 activity fee that every Suffolk University student is charged will be cut in half for the Spring 2021 semester, Student Government Association (SGA) President Karine Kanj announced at the senate’s last meeting of the year.
The same cut was made for the Fall 2020 Semester, making the total of the activity fee $48.
Senator-at-Large Xin Yi Yap brought a resolution to the floor, along with Class of 2022 Senators Cecilia Gonzalez and Meagan Dyer. The resolution states that a long weekend in March, in place of spring break, would be beneficial to the student body.
Yap sent a survey around on social media the week before the Dec. 10 meeting to collect data on if students would benefit from a mid-semester break. The administration recently extended winter break until Jan. 25, and canceled spring break to minimize the spread of COVID-19 due to traveling.
Counseling, Health and Wellness Director Nicholas Scull was invited to the meeting to speak on the impact that online schooling has on students.
“You start to associate your home life and bedroom with work,” Scull said.
Yap’s survey received 438 responses, and found that 78% of students saw a decline in their mental health this semester, and that over 98% of students would like a mental health break in the spring semester.
The resolution passed unanimously. It will be presented to Suffolk University’s administration, who will decide whether or not to approve the long weekend.
SGA will adjourn general meetings until spring semester begins in January.
Follow Hailey on Twitter @haiIeycampbell.