Usually a quiet and serene setting, the Museum of Fine Arts (MFA) was anything but traditional on Friday night, as Boston’s best-known epicenter for creativity hosted an enthralling installation to its “MFA Late Nite” seasonal series.
Crowds flocked to the historic building as the doors opened to make way for a plethora of diverse scenes materializing within. A new gallery’s opening, called “Takashi Murakami: Lineage of Eccentrics” along with the Art of Asia gallery and Linde Family Wing for Contemporary Art complimented live music, food tastings and even a rap slam.
Those in attendance were able to travel throughout the museum and outside to the Shapiro Family Courtyard, where it seemed as if the paintings and sculptures were the only beings lacking activity and mobility.
“Especially in the world we live in today, we need these type of activities- things that will keep people happy- and obviously a lot of people needed it,” said Executive Producer of Boston International Film Festival Patrick Jerome in an interview with The Suffolk Journal. “It’s good to see things like this happening. I’m an artist myself, so I feel it’s a great thing that we have the arts in the world because it can only bring peace.”

This “Late Nite” event brought out those who are veterans to what the MFA has to offer, as well as some who have never been to popular museum.
Early in the night, poets and musical artists displayed their talents during a rap slam. Surrounded by friends, fellow artists and intrigued patrons, rappers took turns performing in front of a live audience that held a small group who had been elected to judge the competition.
One participant, Sam Dapper, a 22-year-old who graduated from Boston University in the spring of 2017 with a degree in economics, said in an interview with The Journal that he felt disconnected, that he had chosen the wrong major. He said that he was losing himself as he was going through his college years, so he turned to his passion.
“I was at a point in my life where I felt I could conquer anything and everything I put my mind to, so I started making beats right before I studied abroad,” said Dapper. “I started making music my junior year of college. I traveled to Australia, ended up making beats there, I came back then went to London. I’ve had a lot of inspirations as I’ve going through my musical journey.”
Dapper said he has been inspired by hip-hop artist Russ, and after he saw Russ make a name for himself, he thought “why not me?”
Katie Getchell, the deputy director and chief brand officer of the MFA was extremely pleased with the turnout and atmosphere of the night.
“We are thrilled with the partners who have participated, all the artists and all the creatives who have come to perform [and] to show off Boston’s creative cultural side,” said Getchell. “[The MFA is] unique in being a multicultural, multi-sensory campus. We have contemporary art. We have historical art, eastern, western, art making, food shopping, dancing, indoor [and] outdoor. We have everything on our campus and we’re thrilled to bring it alive in a different way on a night like this.”
One cheerful and lively attendee, Jake Murtaugh, has frequented the MFA. The ability to meet different and exciting people while able to experience and witness the art the MFA has to offer, along with an event that conveniently slides into most people’s work schedules are all factors that Murtuagh was pleased with.

“I fell in love with the museum,” said Murtaugh in an interview with The Journal. “They always have these great social events. “It’s a shared space of art which is always cool to have.”
As the night turned into the following day, audiences and art-enthusiasts returned into the streets of Boston, satisfied and likely full from the unique traditional Japanese dishes being served.
Although a fun-filled night of dancing and socialization spawned a flow of imagination, the question arose, asking where does the creativity end.
“It’s frustrating because I feel like Boston has a lot to offer as far as music and culture,” said Dapper. “I wish there was more events that brought the local colleges and local organizations together, to bring people together.”
For more pictures of the exhibit, visit Uncovered with Flash.
Anna Young • Nov 1, 2017 at 11:30 am
To quote another famous artist: “Crap, crap, crap… hold the press!” So he is a clown doing this lame kitsch, laughing to the bank. And all the dumb curators have to jump on the wagon to show how “in” they are. In commercial galleries, who cares, but in MFA? What’s next, yoga in the galleries?