A group of 20-somethings sporting sombreros walked a half marathon from Brookline to Cambridge this weekend, in the quest for free burritos and to help the Home for Little Wanderers.
Around noontime, a group of five stood outside the Anna’s Taqueria on Cambridge Street. It was Dan Rosmarin, his girlfriend, brother, and friends. Rosmarin, a Newton native and Middlebury College alumnus who now lives in England, and Anna’s Taqueria joined forces and created the Walqueria, a walk-a-thon to raise money for children in need.
Rosmarin and the group stood outside the Mexican food joint to refuel, with only one burrito in their stomachs so far. But this was only stop two of the 13.1 mile, six-stop walk, and they had plenty of snacks still coming their way.
“We have a burrito avidity,” said Rosmarin. His girlfriend, Bella Plumptre, who flew from England with him just for the walk, and Rosmarin’s brother Sam, who flew from Kenya, argued over the best way to describe their passion for Anna’s Mexican food. Rosmarin simplified it down to, “we love burritos.”

But more than that, they wanted to raise money for the Home for Little Wanderers, and thank Anna’s Taqueria for helping them in the process. Saturday marked the 7th annual Walqueria and had somewhere between 150 and 200 participants, Rosmarin said.
“We quite frequently get street recruits,” Rosmarin said. College students spotted the group walking along the route from their first stop in Brookline heading towards the Cambridge Street location. Often times the students jumped in the walk for a little while, Rosmarin said.
The way raising money for the Home for Little Wanderers works is based on how many stops on the route participants make. Participants receive a punch card at the first stop. They get a snack and hole punched in their card at each stop. For each hole punched, Anna’s donates $5 to the Home for Little Wanderers.
“Some finish the walk in three hours,” said Rosmarin. He then motioned to his group and said, “we’ll take the most, just over seven.” The group took their time through the Walqueria to chat and enjoy the sunny, warm weather.
“There’s big potential for a lot of donations,” he said. Last year they raised about $7,000 and hoped to raise just as much this year.
The group stood outside smiling, getting ready to head to the next stop, Anna’s near MIT. They waited patiently for friends who were inside fueling up on drinks and tacos.
“We’re having a fantastic time,” said Plumptre. Sam Rosmarin recalled one year when people ran the Walqueria. It didn’t mix well with the Mexican cuisine.
“There are two types of cramps,” Dan Rosmarin explained, “leg cramps and stomach cramps.”
The rest of the walkers exited the Cambridge Street Anna’s ready to go again. The group of 10 smiled and walked on to the stop of Walqueria, sombreros and all.