The “50 States, 50 Protests” demonstration stood outside the Massachusetts State House Feb. 5 to protest President Donald Trump’s leadership following the start of his second term in office.
The “50 States, 50 Protests,” or alternatively, the “50501 Movement” is a grass-roots organized set of nationwide protests. Thousands have rallied against the Trump administration’s policies, mainly regarding immigration and transgender rights issues, across all 50 state capitols. The movement got its start on Reddit, specifically their own r/50501 subreddit.
Running the medical table, Tim Zilch, who is affiliated with the subreddit, was surprised by the turnout of the Boston protest.
“This has all grown and blown up far past any of our expectations,” said Zilch. “We were expecting maybe 50 people today.”
Zilch said he got involved with the movement because of his concern for the impact the Trump administration’s actions will have on future generations.
“I have two young children at home and I’m very concerned about where our country is headed,” said Zilch.
Despite below-freezing temperatures, the turnout was high, with people overflowing from the street outside the state house into the Boston Common. It was clear how passionate the demonstrators were, holding elaborate homemade signs and chanting slogans such as, “trans rights are human rights,” and “this is what democracy looks like, show them what democracy looks like.”
The protest marched past Samia Academic Center and toward Boston City Hall, garnering more attention from bystanders on the way.
To many protesters, the Trump administration’s recent actions have undermined American democracy. Some examples include, the mass arrests and deportations of undocumented immigrants and Elon Musk’s takeover of several government agencies. Furthermore, these actions feel like a personal slight against what their veteran family members fought for.

“Our republic is failing. We have a tyrant in office that’s taken over. Elon Musk, an unelected billionaire, has taken control of several agencies and shut them down illegally,” said protester Tim Barsotti.
Barsotti’s grandfather served in World War II and his father served in the Vietnam War. Carrying the American flag, he said its message transcends political affiliation.
“We own this flag. It is not a symbol of the right, it is not a symbol of the left, it belongs to the American people,” said Barsotti.
As of Feb. 8, the 50/50/1 movement has a dedicated Wikipedia page and its own website. Meanwhile, r/50501 has reached 91,000 active members.
The turnout in other states, such as Los Angeles, CA, is reported to have been in the thousands. There, the protesters blocked traffic and were accosted by LAPD. In Augusta, Maine, the co-sponsors of the event pulled out due to alleged “bad actors” infiltrating the event. In Iowa, a red state, two protestors were handcuffed and escorted away from a right-wing parental rights event happening nearby.
It’s unknown what the 50/50/1 organizers plan on doing next, if anything. However, one of the r/50501 mods, going by the username Barneyboy3, recently made an update post saying, “We have been planning our next steps ahead.”
(not included anonymous quote in this draft)