To jumpstart career, graduate college early

Brigitte Carreiro, News Editor

The typical college career lasts four years, but the benefits of graduating early are endless. During my first year at Suffolk, I decided four years was too long, and set a goal to graduate a full year ahead of schedule.

A year that was supposed to be reserved for taking classes is now at my disposal to jumpstart my career, giving me more time in a society where time is the most valuable element of a person’s life.

As a print journalism major, I know the field I am looking to get into is as competitive as it gets. My degree will enable me to enter into many different types of careers: journalism, editing, publishing, amongst others. Ultimately, I want to work in a publishing house, editing and publishing novels for all kinds of readers.

Along with jumpstarting my career, finishing my collegiate career in 2016 versus my anticipated 2017 will save me a full year of steep tuition. Graduating even a semester early is advantageous to a student’s wallet.

There are too many horror stories of people who are well into their careers and are still paying off their student debt. Student loan debt can’t just be thrown on the back burner and ignored until after graduation.

Suffolk’s cost of tuition for a full-time student for a single year is just less than $34,000, according to the university’s website — without including housing and other fees.

Multiply that by four years of school, add in fees and a dorm room for a year or two, and students are up to their necks in student debt before they even think about graduation day. While you can’t beat what Suffolk has to offer — a stellar location and top-notch academics — a base tuition cost of $136,000 is still $136,000.

Ultimately, students spend their time in college building up their resumés: amping up their GPA, finding internships, and doing extracurricular activities. However, what stands out on a resumé is work that goes above and beyond.

Carreiro, a print journalism major, started Suffolk as a member of the class of 2017, but she is planning to graduate one year early.

A student who graduated from a four-year university in three years is sure to stand out more than the average college graduate. Having that advantage over other recent grads is what will ultimately better my chances of landing an entry-level job in my chosen career path.

That’s why this summer will be a huge accomplishment for me. After taking AP exams in high school and adding an extra credit here and there throughout my first two years at Suffolk, I generated enough credits to only need six more to be a full year ahead of my anticipated graduation date. This summer, I will complete those six credits by taking two courses during a study abroad program in Rome, keeping me on track to graduate college in just three years.

This is the goal that I have set for myself this summer. It is part of a long-term goal, but one that will be determined by my actions over the next few months.

Graduating early is something that will ultimately set me up for more future success, and is something all students should strive for.