Send in the recruits
October 1, 2014
Fall Recruitment is underway now through Oct. 3 at Theta Phi Alpha, Suffolk University’s sorority, for potential new members to incorporate themselves into Greek life.
According to the sorority’s president, senior Taylor Roy, recruitment is a two-week long process that consists of getting to know the sisters, participating in philanthropy work, and learning about the history of Theta Phi Alpha.
“This recruitment period is a great time for potential new members to get to know us, and for us to get to know them. It’s very casual and fun,” said Roy.
Those interested in joining Theta Phi Alpha are required to attend at least three of the events that the sorority puts on throughout these two weeks. According to senior member Carly Fitz, each event is devoted to introducing potential new members to different aspects of the sorority.
The six values of justice, wisdom, loyalty, faith, truth, and honor that Theta Phi Alpha lives by play a meaningful role in the recruitment process.

“We’re all about values. We just want to expand with quality women,” said junior Tori Meneses, rituals chair of Theta Phi Alpha. “We try and really see who fits our values and who wants to be part of this with us for life,” added Fitz.
According to Roy, following Recruitment Week the chapter as a whole will vote on which girls are extended a bid, meaning they will be invited to become a new member to eventually become initiated into Theta Phi Alpha.
“The new member process is a time of learning … while getting to know their new home base, their sisters,” said Roy.
One recruit, sophomore Meaghan McKenna, is excited to continue recruitment and get to know the girls of Theta Phi Alpha.
“I just like seeing new faces around campus and getting to know the girls and what the value of the sorority is,” she said. “It’s been a blast. All the girls are very nice, and it’s fun meeting new people around the school.”
Fitz described how the sorority is not just another club on campus, but so much more. “This is a commitment for life. We’re going to be your sisters, we’re going to be your family,” she said. “This is something that will continue on after college.”
The sisterhood mentality is something so central to Theta Phi Alpha. With currently more than 50 members and soon-to-be growing, the sorority’s biggest element is their togetherness. “We’re not just an organization, we’re a sisterhood,” said Meneses. “There’s always somebody there for you.”
While stressing the time commitment of Theta Phi Alpha, Fitz also emphasized the worth of the organization. “You learn so much about yourself, your strengths, your weaknesses, things like what makes you unique and how that can be added to the sorority as a whole,” she said.
This year, among other events, the sorority will participate in a breast cancer walk, volunteer at soup kitchens, and organize a toy drive during the holiday season, according to Roy.
Theta Phi Alpha’s recruitment is surely something to look into throughout the rest of the week. “This organization is so unique because when you become a member of Theta Phi Alpha, you are a Theta Phi Alpha for the rest of your life,” said Roy. “You are essentially joining a lifestyle rather than just an organization.”