Suffolk University’s Office of Diversity Services and the Counseling Center have teamed up to create an empowerment group for women of color.
“Finding Our Voices,” a semi-structured group, seeks to provide a setting where women of color can bond and converse about topics such as identity, personal-growth, feminism, leadership, and the impact of sexism.
In addition, the group intends to inspire female students to use their leadership skills to reach out to their communities.
“Finding Our Voices” was started by Marina Valdez, a doctoral student at the University of Oregon who is currently interning at Suffolk’s Counseling Center, and Jacinda Félix Haro, the Director of the Office of Diversity Services.
Valdez, who will receive her PhD in June of this year, is writing her dissertation on women-of-color, taking a feministic perspective on safe-sex practices. She desired to utilize her interest and knowledge of the area to reach out to women at Suffolk University and sought out Haro at Diversity Services.
Valdez and Haro noticed that many women were presidents of on-campus student groups and they wanted to provide a setting that would both support women and instill a sense of leadership and empowerment in them.
“I’m hoping that the group can target a larger group of women on campus and that together we can support each other and learn more about ourselves and how we can help our communities,” said Valdez.
In addition, Jadig Garcia, a clinical psychology student at Suffolk University, currently participates in a pre-practicum at the Counseling Center and will be co-facilitating the group with Valdez.
According to Valdez, the group, which had its first meeting on February 4, is designed to have an open atmosphere. Members are invited to attend as many or as few meetings as they like and confidentiality is ensured.
“We want to maintain a space where women feel they can share their stories and opinions,” said Valdez.
The facilitators begin each session with icebreaker activities, such as reading and discussing the definitions of words, journaling, and asking members to fill in the blanks of sentences. The goal here is to give members a chance to get to know one another.
Valdez said the conversation then goes to wherever the members desire it. She is currently hoping to work on establishing a set curriculum so that the group will be able to continue after her internship with Suffolk has ended.
The next meeting will be held March 3 at 11 a.m. in the Munce Conference Room of Suffolk’s Archer Building. Following meetings will be held March 25, April 8, and April 22.