Trump’s honesty serves him well as a candidate

Jarad Maher

The Presidential race changed forever on June 16, 2015 when Donald Trump announced he was going to run. Since that day, it has come to my attention that most people have voiced their own opinion of Trump. Moreover, it seems that we only hear from the two completely different ends of the spectrum; people either love him or hate him.

Hopefully there can be an objective light shined on Trump so that these two extremes are not the only views of him. However, I will admit that as soon as his presidential bid was announced, I was “Pro Trump” and ignored any skepticism people had on his ability to run this country. Even so, as time has progressed I have begun to see a different side of him, which was not immediately visible to me. As a conservative, there are certain values and stances I look for in a candidate and he exemplifies a good amount of them, but obviously not all since no one is perfect.

One of the aspects I like about him is that he does not play into the political games. He knows that politicians can be purchased, with heavy contributions from donors, and seeing that he has done it himself, he will admit to when he’s used government loopholes to his advantage. In one of the recent debates, another candidate attempted to corner him saying that Trump had filed for bankruptcy multiple times and that we couldn’t trust a person to run the country who can’t manage money. His response was that his business filed bankruptcy, not himself personally and he used the loophole to his advantage, just as other business owners use loopholes to their advantage.

Furthermore, Trump confronts many issues Americans are facing as a nation and allows people to talk about these issues. For example, although many people disagree with his immigration policies, he is forcing us to talk about them and think about our alternatives as well.

There are good qualities to Trump that I like but the side of him that bothers me is when he gets “cornered”, he seems to lash out at people. We see this on the debates specifically when someone is excelling because he comments about irrelevant issues, makes faces, and stirs up controversy with that person. These are personal aspects of Trump that make me hesitant to vote for him and steer me toward some of the other, more “polished” candidates.

Although I am still unsure of who’s bubble I will fill in on March 1st, Trump is still a viable candidate. I like Donald Trump and agree with a good portion of what he says, still a part of me would be more comfortable electing someone who has some political background.

Until then, I will continue to watch the debates, media coverage, and listen to what all the candidates have to say and quite possibly not decide who will get my vote until I’m in the voting booth.