Article by: Alex Pearlman

Seven cameras were stolen from the Ridgeway Building last semester, on May 29, 2009, and photography Professor Ken Martin is understandably upset about it.
The five traditional and two digital cameras were taken from the fourth floor by two people who seemed older than college students.
“I was gone for ten minutes,” said Martin, who left the cameras alone in a classroom, thinking they would be safe. “I left three minutes before they came in. I thought, no one’s here, it’ll be fine.”
The Suffolk police have pictures of the men from Ridgeway’s fourth floor security camera, whom Martin described as being “like basketball players on steroids.”
“We think they were stealing them for resale and that they were watching the building,” said Martin.
SUPD Chief Pagliarulo and officers White and Sans investigated, but were unavailable for comment.
“[The thieves] went in [the building] with nothing, and came out with these little bags filled with my cameras,” Martin explained.
Now, since the investigation has hit a dead end, Martin is asking for students and faculty to donate cameras that are no longer in use to replace the ones that were stolen. Donated cameras will be used by students in photography and photojournalism classes.
Professors Deb Geisler and Klaus Gensheimer have donated cameras already.
To learn how to donate, please contact Ken Martin at [email protected].