Directly following the events of 9/11, the United States announced that they were going to strike areas of Afghanistan in a number of attacks in order to attempt their reach to Al Qaeda, the group responsible for innocent American lives. The advancements, which were said to have been carefully targeted by the Bush administration, were designed to disrupt the use of Afghanistan as a terrorist base.
Oct. 7 will mark the 15-year anniversary of these strikes that had been marked the start date of war. What had initially backed support from close allies of the U.S. and American families had quickly turned into a puzzling community of once supporters to now people fighting for troops to return home.
Today, 20 veterans commit suicide every 72 minutes. While this staggering statistic may cause a number social media posts and a few statements from presidential candidates during their debates- what is actually getting done about it? Do people really understand the true effect to this fact?
There are a number of veterans on campus here at Suffolk and their friends could be dying left and right. The answers that are being provided are not meeting the demands of these suicides.
In the wake of the anniversary, it’s time that these veteran’s voices are heard and questions to be answered by future leaders before it’s too late.
Alexa Gagosz