Dear Suffolk Students,
Welcome back! Your Student Government Association (SGA) is excited to start a new school year and to get back to work.
Fall elections for Class of 2020 senators and open positions for senators-at-large, were held this week.
Look for your newly elected senators on our social media accounts! (Twitter: @SuffolkSGA and Facebook: Suffolk SGA)
Your senators will also be sending out “Updates from your Senator” emails within the next couple weeks.
Look for their message and contact information, and turn to them with any questions or concerns you may have.
SGA is here to be a resource on campus and we want to help the students in any way we can.
The Student Government Association holds its weekly general meetings on Thursdays from 12:15-1:30 p.m. in Somerset B18.
Our meetings are open to the entire Suffolk Community and we encourage all to attend.
In future weeks, we will have visitors from Suffolk leadership.
Dean of Students Ann Coyne will be at the meeting on September 22, President Marisa Kelly and SUPD will also be attending soon this semester.
Look out for those dates and come listen to and ask our leaders questions!
If you have any questions or concerns, please email [email protected] or feel free to stop by the new Student Government Association office in Sawyer 324C.
We hope you have a great semester!
-The Student Government Association